ASUS VivoBook 15 D1502YA 15.6″ FHD Laptop Ryzen 7 7730U 32GB 1TB SSD W11H – [D1502YA-NJ091W-32G]
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ASUS Vivobook 15Wow the World with Dynamic Power
Vivobook 15 is a featured packed laptop that makes it easy to get things done. Lay flat hinge and powerful components make your day seamless.
Windows 11 HomeAMDRyzen 7000Mobile Processor1 TBM.2 NVMe PCIe 3.0 SSD32 GBDDR4 memoryASUS ErgoSense keyboardfor a comfortable typing experience180 hingefor wide flexibilityWiFi 5superb connecting speed with ASUS WiFi MasterPhysical webcam shieldfor instant privacyASUS AI noise cancelationnoise-free video conferencingPerformanceCPUThermalPerformance
Fuelled to perform
Vivobook 15 is your everyday companion that’s always ready to make light work of your agenda, whether it’s office or personal, presentations or play. For demanding workloads, the AMD Ryzen 7000 series processor with fast memory and speedy SSD storage provide plenty of power in reserve when the going gets tough.
Windows 11 HomeAMDRyzen 7000mobile ProcessorAMD Radeongraphics8 Coresfor multi-tasking15WCPU TDP4.5 GHzboost up performance1 TBPCIe SSD16 GBmemoryCPU
Boost up your productivity
Vivobook 15 delivers next-level performance from the latest AMD Ryzen 7000 series processors to make every task easier, whether it’s streaming, browsing, editing, video chatting, or just taking care of business at home.
Aerodynamic IceBlades for accelerated cooling
The new Vivobook series provides exceptional heat dissipation via two upgraded heat pipes1 and a new IceBlades fan that efficiently accelerates heat transfer. The 87-blade IceBlades fan and impeller are made of a liquid-crystal polymer that allows them to be lighter and thinner than ordinary fans. Each IceBlades fan blade has a 3D-curved aerodynamic design, allowing the fan to achieve better flow rate and lower noise. In addition, the IceBlades fans also use a fluid-dynamics bearing, which can achieve better vibration reduction and lower noise when compared to ordinary fans.
Up to0.2 mmthin fan bladeUp to87fan blades3D-curvedaerodynamic blades3-phasemotor revolutionDisplay
Easy on your eyes
Give your eyes a treat with Vivobook 15’s clear, slim-bezel NanoEdge display. It has wide viewing angles, and features a full HD (1920 x 1080) resolution, 60Hz refresh rate, and anti-glare treatment.
15.6display82%screen-to-body ratio178wide viewing angle180 Hinge
Wide open for sharing
The 180 lay-flat hinge makes it so much easier when you want to share stuff with those around you, too.
Brilliantly nuanced ErgoSense keyboard
Its our mission at ASUS to elevate human interaction with technology to a higher and more intuitive level The latest ASUS ErgoSense keyboard are engineered to enable an input experience thats in harmony with how you move, feel and touch. Your comfort is our highest priority. Thats why the ErgoSense keyboard has an incredibly satisfying feel, with the optimum bounce and travel calculated with fine-tuned precision. Experience the ErgoSense keyboard, and youll soon find yourself cruising effortlessly through your work.
Full-sized keyboard 19.05 mm
Its time to say hello to ErgoSense, and goodbye to cramped laptop keyboards! The full-size 19.05 mm key pitch is the same as a desktop keyboard, so you can whizz through your work with superb typing comfort and accuracy.
Dished key caps 0.2 mm
The 0.2 mm key-cap dish is designed to match the shape of your fingertips. The smooth-edged indent is carefully crafted for a comfortable yet precise feel, so your fingers are gently guided to the ideal contact point with the keys.
Long key travel 1.4 mm
Good tactile feedback is important to let you know that your key press has been registered. The long 1.4 mm key travel lets you type without having to use too much force. And underneath the key, theres a rubber dome crafted by keyboard experts here at ASUS. It guarantees your click force is met with just the right tactile bump you need for a nice grip.
Perfect in every detail
Vivobook 15 keeps you fully connected with its comprehensive I/O ports. Theres a USB-C 3.2 Gen 1 port, two USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-A ports, a USB 2.0 port, HDMI output and an audio combo jack so its easy to connect all your existing peripherals, displays and projectors.
USB 2.0USB 3.2 Gen 1USB-C 3.2 Gen 1HDMIaudio combo jackAdditional Features
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